Writer Benefits

Make You Rich

Perks for Exclusive Stories
Signing Bonus, Update Bonus, Subscription Perks, Completion Perks
Perks for Non-exclusive Stories
First Release Bonus
Royalty Share
Percentage 75%
Subscription Share
Percentage 75%
Advertising Share
Percentage 75%
The high percentage of share above the industry ensures that every
word you write earns you what you deserve.

Exclusive Contracts

Apply for signing a contract

You could apply for signing a contract when you upload body text with more than 3000 words (the number of it does not include "prologue", "summary", etc.), pending review by the responsible editor.

Signing Bonus

Application Thresholds

Your story needs to be reviewed by the responsible editor for irregularities such as watering down, plagiarism, publishing duplicate chapters, etc.

Ongoing Story
You can apply for bonus when publishing more than 30,000 words in your body text.
Completed Story
You can apply for bonus when publishing more than 50,000 words in your body text.

Update Bonus (for ongoing stories)

You could apply for the bonus when:

Publish at least 60,000 words in body text (say, if you reach 60,000 words after updating in January, then you can apply for the update bonus from February onwards);

Update at least 20 days per calendar month;

Your story needs to be reviewed by the responsible editor for irregularities such as watering down, plagiarism, publishing duplicate chapters, etc.

$ 100
Update 30,000-49,999 words monthly
$ 200
Update 50,000-69,999 words monthly
$ 300
Update 70,000-89,999 words monthly
$ 400
Update 90,000-109,999 words monthly
$ 500
Update more than 120,000 words monthly

Subscription Bonus

You could apply for the bonus when you publish more than 60,000 words in body text. You will be provided with an exclusive link "Readom Writer's Link", and your final bonus amount will be decided by the number of subscribers who follow your story through this link in 60 days.

$ 100
More than 200 subscribers
$ 150
More than 300 subscribers
$ 200
More than 400 subscribers
$ 250
More than 500 subscribers

Completion Bonus

Your story needs to be reviewed by the responsible editor for irregularities such as watering down, plagiarism, publishing duplicate chapters, etc.

$ 150

More than 100,000 words in your body text.

You should complete your story and apply for the bonus in 60 days .

$ 300

More than 200,000 words in your body text.

You should complete your story and apply for the bonus in 100 days.

$ 500

More than 300,000 words in your body text.

You should complete your story and apply for the bonus in 150 days.

Non-exclusive Contracts

First Release Bonus

· The monthly royalty of your story is more than 200 USD;

· Your story should be published on Readom at least 30 days earlier than other platforms.

Make You Famous

Make You Famous & Make Your Stories Famous


· In-app Profile Promotion

· Social Media Promotion

· Online Fan Meetings

· Popular Forum Exposure

· Public News Interviews


· Public Signing

· Fan Meetings

· As a Speaker of Readom

· Workshop Programmes

· As a Screenwriter of Readom

· Book Tours


· Social Media Promotion

· App Store Promotion

· Search Engine Promotion

· In-App Book Promotion

· Be part of Readom's Commercials


· Movie & TV Adaptation

· Audiobook & Comic Adaptation

· Drama Adaptation

· Print-book Publishing

· Promotional Merchandise

· Brand Collaboration

Make You

Editor's Support

Guidance before Writing

Topic Selection, Character Design,
Outline Drafting

Story Editing & Polishing

Free Blurb & Start Polishing

Free Cover & Banner Design

Creator Tools

Convenient Writing Tools

Writing Materials for Inspirations

Outline Templates & Writing Sample

Data Analysis Tools

Popularity & Optimization Guidance


Writing Forum for Writers

Online Writing Classes for New Writers

Analysis of the Hottest Stories sessions

Professional Writers Sharing Sessions

Screenwriters Sharing Sessions

Adaptation Experts Sharing Sessions